In-Depth Regimen
Functional Nutrition-Metabolic Balancing - You are biologically unique. With a few simple tests, we can determine what food-based nutrients you require to help restore balance to various control systems that maintain homeostasis (balance). When there is an imbalance in these control systems, there can be energy loss causing an array of symptoms that reflect a degeneration of function. When the energy metabolism is strengthened, you have more energy, nutrient absorption is increased, detoxification is enhanced, and deeper healing and repair can occur. This focus is not symptom-based. Two people can have similar symptoms and require completely different diets and nutrients.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an objective test that identifies your metabolic typology - how fast or slow you are turning food into oxygen for fuel. Based on your test data, there will be specific dietary requirements to promote healing of the metabolism. For health to improve, you may need to select foods and supplements that stimulate the metabolism, or foods and supplements that slow it down. We can also clearly identify at the mineral level if there is hypo or hyperfunction in various organ systems like the adrenal and thyroid axis. Many people, for example, are on thyroid medications and have never addressed this mineralogical level of imbalance which is essential for addressing the root cause. Mineral relationships from the test data will provide important feedback on hormone imbalance, blood sugar regulation, stress response, and whether toxic heavy metals are being excreted. HTMA is a helpful objective test for tracking the changes to your daily dietary and supplement regimen as your health progresses.
Dynamic Medicine
True healing involves a deep restructuring process, and not simply the removal of symptoms. Healing proceeds in a specific way, following certain natural principles, and aided by natural medicines. As a practitioner of Heilkunst, I use natural medicine directed at the cause of a blockage. For example, if you had a surgery, a formula of specific dynamic medicines would be provided to treat for the damage to the living power. This generally causes an initial improvement or sense of well-being. There may follow a temporary worsening and a return of old symptoms which is part of the healing process. This state is temporary and is followed by an improved state. Dynamic medicine is provided in a way that follows your healing journey and it is matched to the state you’re expressing as part of the current focus at any given consultation. It is very safe and gentle for everyone in the family.
CoRe Bioresonance
CoRe is a programmable bioresonance software that is programmed with Dynamic Healthcare principles. It is a method of objective testing and is a tool to analyze for fitting therapeutics that match the current state. CoRe is helpful for identifying blockages in the subconscious mind such as beliefs and fears or to pinpoint deeper blockages or damage to the living power. This testing method can also help to clarify where the various bio-energetic levels may not be integrated properly and fitting therapeutics can be applied.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BSCT)
BCST is a light touch manual therapy that is an effective treatment for various types of trauma (eg. concussion, injuries, surgical & dental procedures, problems stemming from the natural birthing process or birth by caesarean section). This therapy may be recommended as your healthcare journey unfolds. *For in-person appointments only.