Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
If you want to book your first consultation, I will email you a price schedule and description of services. Please email me from the Contact page and request this.
I am currently working with clients from Friday to Monday.
I am currently using Google Meet. I also speak with patients over the phone if they prefer to use this method.
I am in Mountain Time.
Yes, I am taking new patients. I work with patients in Canada, the United States, and internationally.
No, I do not stock Trace Elements nor Nutri-Spec supplements but I do provide my clients with links for ordering these from the USA.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
You will be provided with detailed instructions once you purchase a hair tissue mineral analysis. Please see the video below, “How To Take Your Hair Sample” for additional help.
Minerals are very important for cellular function and are a requirement for good health and abundant energy levels. Minerals were originally referred to as the "spark plugs of life" by Dr. Henry Schroeder in his book “The Trace Elements and Man”. (Trace Elements, Inc., 2011, p 3). The importance of minerals comes to light in the following statement, from an interview with Dr. Paul Eck: "Every single physical living cell on earth is derived totally from minerals and mineral-based compounds. Every single living body cell, including the DNA genetic codes themselves, are dependant upon minerals for both their structure and function".(Chatsworth & Eck, p 112).
A deficiency of certain minerals will undermine the ability of the body to utilize its full scope of nutrients. We also need the correct amount and the right minerals for hormone and enzyme production that support many body systems. (Trace Elements, Inc., 2011, p 3).
A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) reveals important mineral relationships and their ratios that reflect the degree of imbalance in the biochemical system at the mineral level. Once you have this knowledge, you can select fitting foods and supplements that are specific to what you need at this time to work towards balancing your metabolic system.
Blood has a very narrow range of pH variability, unlike the pH of urine and saliva which is variable throughout the day. An excess of minerals in the blood tends to be deposited into the tissue to maintain this narrow range. When there are mineral deficiencies, the tissues (hair is one type of tissue) will register the deficiencies as stored mineral is taken from the tissue and moved back into the blood because the nutrients are needed for functioning. Analyzing the blood for minerals, therefore, is a good indicator of the extracellular transport of minerals to and from the storage areas of the body. (Trace Elements, Inc. 2011, p 3). An HTMA, on the other hand, can give us a complete snapshot of the metabolic processes pertaining to the minerals occurring on an intracellular level (Trace Elements, Inc. 2011, p 2).
No. HTMA is not intended for diagnosis. It is used to gather vital information about the holistic nature of the dynamic mineral system.
When embarking upon your first HTMA, it can be helpful to understand that backing oneself out of health imbalances can (and most often will) take time. Many people who come to HTMA have already made levels of commitment to their health on a daily and ongoing basis. One test will likely not be sufficient if you want to gauge how your mineral patterns are operating and how the supplements and dietary changes you've initiated are helping to shift your mineral imbalances.
Initially, as we work together, I will likely suggest an HTMA every 3 months. After 3 months, and based on your new HTMA, the supplements may need to be changed to reflect the new test and new dietary recommendations may be made. On a longer-term basis, and once the mineral patterns become more balanced, longer periods could certainly be observed between HTMA testing if the client chooses this. As a long-term preventative health strategy, bi-annually or annual HTMA testing could continue to help one maintain his or her mineral dynamics in a more optimal range.
We require minerals for daily functioning. If they are not being replenished through our diet, we can become deficient. Other causes of mineral imbalance are acute illnesses such as those involving fever, acute stressors, and toxic exposure. From a broader scope, stress and trauma, lack of sleep, dietary habits, medications, vaccinations, and toxins in the air, water, and food supply as well as certain nutritional supplements (when taken and not required), could disrupt the mineral patterns.
Heilkunst & Heilkunde
Dynamic Healthcare is the healthcare arm within the study of Romantic Science that grew out of the Romantic movement beginning in the 1800s. The use of the word “dynamic” within the context of “Dynamic Healthcare” implies a lawful approach for both the treatment of disease (principles of Heilkunst) and disorder (principles of Heilkunde). It also implies that the living power (life force) is engaged from two different sides. Dynamic Healthcare involves a truly holistic approach for the individual, to support the restructuring towards greater health at all levels of being.
Heilkunst is a German term that does not have a direct English translation. “Heil” means whole and sound while “kunst” means art and science. Heilkunst translates to “the art and science of making one whole”. The term Heilkunst was utilized by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathic Medicine in his body of work that involved the treatment of disease, i.e. ‘Organon der Heilkunst’, (Organon of Medical Art).
Heilkunde involves regimenal principles. Dynamic Regimen includes the aspect of healthcare relating to diet, nutrition and metabolic balance, sleep, as well as activity and exercise. Heilkunde relates to the treatment of imbalance and disorder, which does not fall under the jurisdiction of medicine (Heilkunst).
1. Chatsworth, Colin & Loren/Eck, Dr. Paul. Energy: How it Affects Your Emotions, Your Level of Achievement, and Your Entire Personal Well-Being. Sam Biser Press.
2. Trace Elements, Inc. (2011). Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA): Balancing Body Chemistry.