Mineral Mastery will separate your health knowledge from the masses, and empower you to make smarter choices that lead to better health for you and your clients!

A Course Unlike Any Other

The Mineral Mastery Program empowers its students with concepts and secrets that are fundamental to health and nutrition, and yet rarely taught elsewhere.  For many, this education becomes not only life changing, but life saving. Mineral Mastery takes you beyond the conventional idea of what constitutes "nutrition", and beyond the mainstream 'reactive' approach to health.  Even amongst those who "eat healthy", many continue to struggle with issues around fatigue / exhaustion, digestion, blood pressure issues, brain fog, hypothyroid, depression & numerous other symptoms. Standard test results often come back 'normal', a pharmaceutical might be prescribed to conceal the symptom, and the underlying root cause is left a mystery and unaddressed.  In many cases, answers exist, right in front of us...in the delicate balance of the body's mineral system! Regardless of what a blood test shows, and regardless of how healthy one eats, every single person is walking around with mineral imbalances. These imbalances, today, or down the road, manifest as aging, symptoms, and compromised health. Understanding this connection is vital to supporting health, and should be a key consideration in any nutritional program design.  To date, this knowledge has been taught and applied by only a handful of health experts, within exclusive circles.  This course now brings it to the public! 

Your Course Instructor

Regarded as one of North America's leading mineral experts, Rick Fischer has the unique background and passion to bring you this rarely taught information. A Certified Holistic Health Coach, Author, Researcher, Nutritional Educator and Speaker, he is also an internationally sought after HTMA (Tissue Mineral Analysis) Practitioner helping clients balance minerals for improving health.  He is frequently hired as a teacher / mentor by many of today's top practitioners.  Rick's own training was unique, personally taught by several of the most respected and longest practicing mineral experts and pioneers in this field. His experiences and training have gifted him with insight that very few others can offer.  Backed by well over 6000 hours of additional study and research into minerals, and with nearly 2000 private clients worldwide, he is a passionate expert in the field of mineral balancing, tissue mineral analysis, and bio-individual nutrition.  

He is also recognized as one of the world's leading experts in copper toxicity. Seeing how this mineral imbalance affected a loved one, and subsequently seeing the widespread health toll stemming from the medical and social ignorance surrounding this largely unrecognized epidemic, he chose not to turn away but rather elevate global support for those affected. In doing so, Rick went on to create what has become today the Internet's #1 education and support resource on the topic of copper toxicity.

It's Rick's mission to educate and bring awakened awareness to this fundamentally important aspect of nutrition in the hope of seeing a better world where people are empowered by the knowledge of how minerals affect all functions of health, and are more fully informed about the nutritional and supplement choices they make. 

Mineral Mastery Provides a Giant Leap Forward in Understanding Health, Nutrition, and Human Psychology


Scientific Yet Easy To Follow

Decades of scientific evidence, thousands of hours of research, and clinical experiences of today's leading experts in mineral-based nutrition are all conveniently compiled into this program and presented in a way that everyone can follow and understand.


7 Modules + Bonuses

Your personal student dashboard gives you access to your video-based training. The course is completely at your own pace and convenience. Lifetime access allows you to review the material as often as you wish.


Certification + Guarantee

A Mineral Mastery Course Completion Certificate is awarded upon completion.
(You also have our risk-free 30 day money back guarantee...because we are confident you're going to LOVE and find invaluable this eye-opening education that awaits!)

Some Of The Countless Things You'll Learn In This 8+ Hour Course

  • Why mineral imbalances should be on EVERYONE's radar. Everyone has mineral imbalances...let's address them before they lead to symptoms later.

  • Why grabbing vitamin and mineral supplements off the store shelf without understanding the ingredients or your unique mineral profile could be doing you more harm than good! Did you know you could actually DEPLETE key nutrients by taking the wrong (yet popular) supplements?!

  • Learn the powerful effect mineral imbalances have on mental health....from depression, anxiety, to even relationship withdrawal and divorce...these are connections rarely made in psychology and counseling circles, yet people's lives and relationships are at stake until these concepts are more widely taught.

  • What most nutritional, health, and medical schooling ignores...bio-individual mineral imbalances at the cellular and tissue levels.

  • Why those who believe they are eating the absolute healthiest diets still have imbalances. (Hint: the food we eat is only half the picture. Learn what influences the rest, and how to address it!)

  • Shock alert: Why popular suggestions such as taking more iron to fix anemia, more calcium to protect against osteoporosis, or supplementing Vitamin D to raise Vitamin D levels is usually NOT the answer. In fact, those suggestions can actually be causing a lot of long-term damage! Learn why, and what to do instead.

  • Why the accumulation of copper should be on the radar of every woman, and how it links to hypothyroid, fatigue, digestive issues, depression, and much more. This is absolutely VITAL INFORMATION for every young woman out there, and for all parents raising daughters. What this course teaches is SAVING LIVES! (You'll also learn why this information has tragically been kept hidden from millions of people).

  • The reason why most people are misguided by standard test results to believe that their mineral levels are fine, and are therefore commonly left without answers to their condition. (Example: patient goes to clinic with health concerns. "Ma'am, your test results all came back fine. Nothing wrong with you. Maybe it's all in your head").

  • How to use minerals to detox safely, as well as protect your body against the ravages of toxic metals (which we’re all exposed to).

In a special Bonus Unit, we sit down with Dr. Malter, PhD (40 years clinical experience) and walk through the navigation of Tissue Mineral Analysis data, the nutritional guidance it provides, and how HTMA can successfully be applied in clinical practice.

Bundle up and Save

Purchase the Mineral Mastery Program bundle that includes both the course and one HTMA testing and consultation with Michelle. There’s nothing better than learning from your own personal experience!


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an objective test that will help you and I to navigate your biological system that is reflected in your mineralogical profile. This will provide us with important data that will guide what food and supplements will be best suited to help balance your metabolism and your mineral profile for greater health and vitality.