Dynamic Medicine

Treatment of Shocks, Traumas and Disease States using Dynamic Medicine

If you put your finger over the end of a garden hose that is flowing water at a good pace, the spray gets distorted, pressured up, and held back. The water simply has to flow and find a new pathway out of the restriction. Imagine this as an analogy perhaps in your very own case, and that the “flow” of living energy has been disrupted, distorted, and blocked with an accumulation of various blockages. This can lead to an overall contracted feeling which reflects in chronic health issues, fatigue, an inability to handle stress among many other health issues. We can treat for various blockages using dynamic medicine in a lawful manner which is a safe and effective approach. Over time, our aim is to get to the root cause. Various blockages may include the following:

  • Past or historical trauma such as accidents, injuries, surgeries, birth trauma, and iatrogenic (doctor caused) insults such as vaccinations

  • Emotional traumas and unresolved events such as those involving relationships with friends, co-workers, and family members

  • Beliefs. In health, the aim is to not live in a belief system but to have true knowledge. Beliefs are often under the level of the conscious mind but nonetheless are operative. These can often be participated or observed through practitioner skill and using Bioresonance.

  • Treating the symptomatic expression may be part of various consultations as clients may experience times of anxiety or acute issues like flu, injuries, surgeries, dental work, and emotional events in the present time.

Dynamic Medicine is provided free of charge and is included in the consultation fee and is created with a radionics device.

“The physician’s highest and only calling is to make the sick healthy, to cure, as it is called.”

— Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Founder of Homeopathy and his greater system of Heilkunst